Hear from participants in the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine's (ADLM's, formerly AACC's) Global Affairs educational programs about how these initiatives have impacted their lives, as well as their work in laboratory medicine.

Fighting cardiovascular disease in Bolivia

Dr. Reina Jenny Gutierrez Rendón discusses how a workshop on the principles of laboratory quality and point-of-care lipid device use held by ADLM, the CDC, and La Sociedad Boliviana de Bioquímica Clínica (SOBOBIOCLI) helped her address patient care challenges in her community. Read more.

A passion for making an impact with education

Dr. Maria Teresa Rodriguez, a licensed medical technologist from the Philippines, shares how ADLM’s global programs have supported her 30-plus-year career. Read more.

Collaborating across cultures

Dr. Anu Maharjan recalls her experience presenting at ADLM’s quality control workshop in Mongolia, which was held through ADLM’s Global Lab Quality Initiative in partnership with the Mongolian Association of Health Laboratorians. Read more.