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The objectives of the Biomarkers of Acute Cardiovascular Diseases (BACD) Division involve furthering the clinical, analytical and fundamental science of established, developing and novel biomarkers for the diagnosis, risk assessment, monitoring and management of patients with acute cardiovascular diseases including, but not limited to, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, and acute thromboembolic disease. Specific objectives include:

  • Advance knowledge in biomarkers of acute cardiovascular disease through research and education, including the preanalytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases of testing.
  • Establish an international forum with a focus on laboratory medicine for laboratory professionals, physicians, individuals in industry, regulatory agencies and other stakeholders with an interest in biomarkers of acute cardiovascular diseases.
  • Provide a focused group of experts for collaboration and interaction with clinical groups, professional societies, and regulatory agencies. This would include, but not be limited to, guideline development and review.
  • Establish a mechanism for young clinical laboratory professionals to gain clinical, research and development, and interpretive experience in the area of biomarkers of acute cardiovascular disease.
  • Provide a forum for collaboration with other the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) divisions and committees including, but not limited to the Proteomics Division, the Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology Division, the Lipoproteins and Vascular Diseases Division, the Industry Division and the Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine Committee and NACB.

Join the Biomarkers Division group on the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Artery to network, share ideas, research, and best practices with your Division peers. Artery is a private social community accessible only to ADLM members. To enhance your connections with other ADLM members, you can also visit the Open Forum.