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The Health Equity and Access Division leads the integration, promotion, and advocacy for inclusion and diversity in advancing global science and the practice of laboratory medicine in the following ways:

  • Promotes the inclusion and participation in the science, practice, and policymaking of laboratory medicine for the following groups: minorities (race, ethnicity, or gender), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals, transgender and gender nonconforming populations, low socioeconomic status individuals, and institutionalized individuals (such as those in skilled nursing and mental health treatment facilities).
  • Examines the impact of systemic racism and bias on the practice and delivery of medicine in the United States and internationally.
  • Educates the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) membership on the roles that Laboratory Medicine/Pathology may play in reducing health disparities in medicine through: sponsored or collaborative educational activities, meetings, and membership-developed scientific articles.
  • Provides a forum for dissemination of information related to Health Disparities and Laboratory Medicine and for development of strategies to reduce or eliminate health disparities in the practice of laboratory medicine.

Join the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine’s (ADLM) newest division by completing the form.

The following ADLM membership types are eligible to join an ADLM Division: Professional, Professional Affiliate, Transitional, Trainee, Emeritus

Health Equity and Access Awarded the 2023 ADLM Division Achievement Award

On August 14th, the Science and Practice core Committee (SPCC) awarded the 2023 ADLM Division Achievement Award to the Health Equity and Access division for their work over the 2022-2023 year to advice the field of laboratory Medicine and the promotion of integration, advancement, and advocate for inclusion and diversity. ADLM would like to congratulate the Division on their hard work and look forward to their achievements in the upcoming year.

2024 Division Supporter

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