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The Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry (DACC) welcomes all persons interested in advancing clinical laboratory science in animals by promoting and encouraging the study, exchanging knowledge, and expanding and improving the practice of clinical laboratory science in animals.

Join the Animal Clinical Chemistry group on the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Artery to network, share ideas, research, and best practices with your Division peers. Artery is a private social community accessible only to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) members. To enhance your connections with other ADLM members, you can also visit the Open Forum.

The Division provides a forum for sharing of information relevant to methods of analysis, reference intervals for different animal models, selection of appropriate species for research, and feasibility of transferring relevance of the data to human medicine. The DACC supports the development of singular methods to detect specific target organ effects and cellular changes associated with xenobiotic agents and/or disease processes.

The Division publishes a newsletter and sponsors regional and national meetings as a means for promoting education, research, and service. We encourage members to pursue professional interactions with ADLM as well as within other professional groups. Our membership represents laboratorian working in interdisciplinary fields, industry, academia, and governmental laboratories.