NACB 2015 Award Recipients

NACB is pleased to announce that the following recipients have received the 2015 NACB awards. Congratulations to this year's award winners!

ADLM (formerly AACC)/NACB Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry in a Selected Area of Research

Daniel Chan, PhD
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

Professor Alvin Dubin Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Profession and the Academy

Michael Bennett, PhD 
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

George Grannis Award for Excellence in Research and Scientific Publication

Mark Marzinke, PhD
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Designation

Fellows of the Academy use the designation of FADLM. This designation is equivalent to FACB and FAACC, the previous designations used by fellows of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and AACC Academy. Those groups were rebranded as Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine in 2023.
