The TDM/Toxicology Division of the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) sponsors an annual award designed to recognize young persons actively engaged in the laboratory practice of therapeutic drug monitoring or toxicology and contributing to the profession through research, publication, or teaching in these fields. One nominee may be selected by the TDM/T Awards Committee as the award recipient each year. The award will consist of a plaque and a monetary award in the amount of $1000.

Qualifications for nomination: The nominee must be a member of the TDM/Tox Division and therefore of the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). The nominee must be 40 years of age or less, OR in the first ten years of their career after training (defined as completion of highest degree attained at time of application or completion of related fellowship). Nominations may come from any division member and include a brief description of the nominee's contributions to the advancement of the practice of TDM/Tox either in the areas of research publication, or education. Up to 3 letters of support from active division members should accompany the nomination. Submission of nomination for this award must be received by April 30th each year. Submit nominations to the Chair Elect of the Division.

Nomination Announcement (PDF Format)