ADLM member code of conduct

In addition to the universal ADLM code of conduct, ADLM members will follow ADLM’s ethical guidelines for the profession and comply with the following additional principles. These apply to all ADLM activities and programs, including governance, sponsored events, and online presence, including social media:

  • Respect and acknowledge the interests of the association as determined by its Board, its mission, by-laws, and prudent business practices.
  • Refrain from using ADLM membership, including an official leadership or elected position in the association, for personal advantage or the perception of such. (This may include personal financial gain or unapproved promotion of employer).
  • Protect the confidentiality of private information and discussions (including member directory, financial information, ADLM Artery, and other online communications).
  • Conduct personal behavior to positively reflect on the association.
  • Disclose conflicts of interest when participating in leadership positions.
  • Tender resignation from membership if unable to serve in accordance with the provisions of this code.

Adopted: September 11, 2020

Paper forms

You can mail your forms to ADLM Customer Service.