How to get involved in ADLM

Member participation is vital to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) maintaining active and vibrant programs and services, and we welcome member involvement. There are so many ways to join in our common work of advancing clinical laboratorians, laboratory medicine practice, and the profession of laboratory medicine.

Local Sections

ADLM has Local Sections which are regionally based in North America. To participate at the local level, attend and network at local section meetings in your area, volunteer as a section officer; or develop programming for your Local Section.


Join colleagues in any of ADLM's Scientific Divisions, which cover the spectrum of clinical laboratory medicine. Division membership includes access to web community areas, educational and meeting activities, awards and grants programs as well as providing a rich opportunity to enhance your professional contacts and leadership opportunities. Join one division, or all, there is no limit. 

Serve on a Committee

ADLM's program committees offer many opportunities for member participation. The ADLM President makes committee appointments—open to professional, transitional and emeritus members—and more information is located here

Nominate a Colleague for an ADLM Award

Nominate a colleague for one of ADLM's many awards to recognize outstanding achievements and contributions to ADLM and the clinical laboratory medicine profession.

Paper forms

You can mail your forms to ADLM Customer Service.