Samuel R. Natelson Award

The Chicago Section Senior Investigator Award is named in honor of Samuel R. Natelson, Ph.D. Dr. Natelson was one of the real GIANTS in clinical chemistry was one of the founding members of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry, a founder of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and also founded the Chicago Section of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC). Samuel Natelson received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry by New York University in 1932 and spent the next 15 years involved with a variety of industry and research related positions in which he spent some of that time working the synthesis of steroids and developed a method for the analysis of cholesterol. It was shortly after he joined the research staff at the Jewish Hospitals of Brooklyn that he discovered a passion for clinical chemistry. In 1949 he accepted a position at Rockford (IL) Memorial Hospital as the clinical chemist that his service career really blossomed.  Samuel returned to New York in 1958 at St. Vincent's Hospital as head of the Department of Biochemistry. Finally, in 1965 he accepted the position as senior research biochemist and director of the Department of Biochemistry at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. His contributions to the field of clinical chemistry are too numerous that to provide a brief synopsis would not do justice to his accomplishments. Instead I direct you to new complimentary articles published in Clinical Chemistry that details his love of clinical chemistry. Among a large part of his legacy to clinical chemistry included chemists he trained. These include Drs. Norbert Tietz, Amedeo Pesce, John Sherwin and Robert Murray among many other notable scientists. The Samuel R. Natelson Award is the oldest award given by the Chicago Section of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM).

2016 Shannon Haymond, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pathology
Director, Clinical Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Chicago, IL

2014 Dr. Kenneth D. Beaman
Professor and Director
Clinical Immunology Lab
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
North Chicago, IL

2013 KT Jerry Yeo

2012 Jeanine Walenga

2011 Stanley Lo

2010 Robert Habig

2009 David Kelso

2008 John Sherwin

2005 Donald A. Weibe

2002 Michael J. Pugia

2001 Donald R. Parker

2000 David D. Koch

1999 Edward Sasse

1998 Robert Murray

1997 S.H.Y Wong

1996 Sharon Ehrmeyer

1995 Steven Kahn

1994 A. Scanu

1991 Ed Berman

1990 James Westgard

1989 Ron Laessig

1988 J. Fareed

1986 R. Matalon

1985 Lemuel J. Bowie

1984 M. Epstein

1983 M. Evenson

1982 Harry Pardue

1981 N. Anderson

1980 J. Katchmar

1979 Basil Doumas

1978 H. Shepherd

1977 Albert A. Dietz

1976 Edward Bermes

1975 N. Ressler

1974 Donald Forman

1973 H. Weisberg

1972 Samuel Natelson

1971 Norbert Tietz

1970 M. Kaser

1969 Alfred Free

1968 M. Hanke

1967 Alfred Dubin