Chicago Local Section Helps Support First-ever Lab Screening Event in the Chicago Chinatown Health Fair

Over 100 attendees to the Chicago Chinatown Health Fair’s first-ever lab screening event were screened for cholesterol, HDL, glucose and hepatitis C infection. The event, held on Saturday, July 26, 2014, was staffed by volunteers from the University of Chicago Medicine, University of Chicago BSD and Pritzker Medical School.

The idea for a free lab screening event was first suggested to Chicago Local Section Chair, Dr. Jerry Yeo (Professor of Pathology and Director of Clinical Chemistry Labs, University of Chicago) by his colleague, Dr. David Koch (President-elect) and supported by Dr. Steve Wong (President) of the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC). The idea was to hold a lab-based health fair in a venue close to McCormick Place during the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine’s (ADLM) annual meeting to highlight the importance of laboratory tests and the contribution of laboratory medicine in promoting better health in the community.

The event was supported by the following organizations:

  • The Department of Pathology, UCM/BSD
  • The Office of Community Engagement and Cancer Disparities, UCM
  •  Urban Health Initiative, UCM
  • Chicago Department of Health
  • Partnership for Healthier Asians
  • Chicago Section of ADLM

The free lab tests were generously provided by Orasure Technologies, Inc (Bethlahem, PA) and Alere Diagnostics (Waltham, MA).

Click here to read the full story.