Gabrielle Winston-McPherson, PhD

Gabrielle Winston-McPherson

2019 the Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine George Grannis Award for Excellence in Research and Scientific Publication

Dr. Winston-McPherson is associate director of chemistry, overseeing the core automation laboratory, at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. After receiving her doctorate in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Wisconsin, she completed a postdoctoral clinical chemistry fellowship at the University of Washington Medical Center. Her research interests include health equity, laboratory management, and automation. Dr. Winston-McPherson has published 16 peer-reviewed journal articles and a book chapter describing the detection of methotrexate by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Some key areas of clinical chemistry that her publications cover include the detection and reduction of laboratory errors, the development of several novel test methods, and the determination of the microbiome and laboratory reference intervals for transgender patients. She has presented 10 abstracts and co-holds one patent. For her work demonstrating that minority patients are underrepresented in large next-generation sequencing oncology tests for cancer predisposition and precision oncology, she received the Strandjord Young Investigator Award from the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists.
