Phedias Diamandis, MD. PhD

Phedias Diamandis, MD, PhD

2018 the Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine George Grannis Award for Excellence in Research and Scientific Publication

Dr. Diamandis is a neuropathologist and clinician scientist at the University Health Network and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. He completed his combined MD/PhD and residency training in neuropathology at the University of Toronto. He performed his graduate work under the mentorship of Dr. Peter Dirks and Dr. Michael Tyers in the field of cancer stem cell biology. Dr. Diamandis designed high-throughput screening platforms to allow chemical profiling of neural precursors and identified novel regulators of neural and cancer stem cell function, work that was published in Nature Chemical Biology. His research team focuses on optimizing high-resolution mass spectrometry for high-throughput proteomic analysis of clinical samples to define novel protein-based biomarkers driving disease. His group is leading local initiatives that apply artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency and objectivity of repetitive and subjective tasks in pathology. This work is intended to augment efficiencies of physician-led pathology workflows, quality assurance, and personalized medicine initiatives. His goal is to combine this approach with proteomics to help transition pathology from a somewhat qualitative art into a highly quantitative science. He serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Neuro-Oncology and Journal of Clinical Pathology. He has published 17 journal articles and one book chapter and holds two patents, with an additional patent pending.
