CPOCT Research Grant

The POCT Research Grant will be offered in 2024.

The Point-of-Care Testing Research Grant of $5,000 is intended to fund POCT outcome studies. This grant is dependent upon corporate support and therefore may not be awarded annually.

This grant is targeted to clinical laboratorians who need limited research funds to explore new ideas in areas where funds are not normally available.


  • Applicant and his/her mentor (if applicable) should clearly state that the research project described was conceived by the applicant.
  • Applicant and his/her mentor (if applicable) should list titles and amounts of funds for other similar projects that are funded from other sources.

Applications are due by March 31 for projects starting after June 1 of the same year.

How to Apply

Complete the Application for the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Research Grants.

Applications will be evaluated using the following scientific criteria:

  • Originality
  • Scope
  • Scientific significance;
  • Soundness of research plan;
  • Degree of achievability;
  • Potential for the project to lead to further exploration beyond grant period; and
  • Transferability of research findings to actual practice.

Administrative criteria used will include:

  • Degree to which the research proposal is critical to the career of the applicant;
  • Degree to which the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) funding is critical to the start of the project;
  • Adequacy of the facility proposed; and
  • Satisfactory budget.

Submit one electronic copy of your application to division@myadlm.org.

Questions? If you have questions about the CPOCT Research Grant, please send inquiries to division@myadlm.org.

Past Award Recipients

  • 2016: Vanessa Silva Moraes, MS, Lisa Marie Shollenberger McEwen, PhD, & Rafaella Fortini Grenfelle Queiroz, MS PhD - Development of an innovative immunodiagnostic test for clinical forms of Schistosoma mansoni
  • 2015: Yusheng Zhu, Charleston, SC, The variance between POC and clinical laboratory glucose testing results in critically ill patients
  • 2014: Tanya Ferguson, Upland California, Rapid Detection of Acineetobacter Baumannii from Sputum at the Point of Care.
  • 2013: Lei Zheng, Guangdong China, A Biosensor for Electrochemical Detection of MicroRNA's
  • 2011: Qing Meng, Saskatchewan, Canada, D-Lactate Predicts the Severity of Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
  • 2009: Victor Jeger, Bern, Switzerland, How well are coagulopathies controlled in the injured patient?
  • 2008: Subir Kumar Das, Kerala, India, The role of adipocytokines and inflammatory processes in insulin resistance.
  • 2007: Subir Kumar Das, Kerala, India, Pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
  • 2006: Subir Kumar Das, Kerala, India, Role of alcohol induced liver damage on the regulation of vessel maturation.