2011 Outstanding Contributions to POCT Award recipient

2011 Award Recipient

Steven Valorz
Medical Automation Systems
Charlottesville, VA

The the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) CPOCT Division selected Medical Automation Systems’ Steve Valorz of Charlottesville, VA to receive its Outstanding Contributions to Point-of-Care Testing Award in 2011. 

Steve was nominated for this award, which has only been given twice before, by five POC coordinators representing POC regional groups in Ohio, Texas, Florida, California, and Virginia.  Steve is being honored for his commitment to building a network of POC regional organizations throughout the United States and helping to advance recognition of point-of-care specialists and coordinators within the healthcare community.

Steve launched and supports the website www.pointofcare.net as a platform for communication, networking, and education among point-of-care coordinators.   This website now serves over 30 regional POC groups totally more than 1,500 POCCs.  Steve was also influential in starting Afterglow, a social event which first took place in 2005 at the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Annual Meeting and which has continued annually since then.  It has evolved into the “social event of the year” where POCC’s from around the world can meet and have fun during an evening at the ADLM Annual Meeting.

Steve also actively supports the ADLM CPOCT Division as its newsletter editor and webmaster and promotes communication among POC Coordinators using these media.

In endorsing Steve for this award, the nominees describe Steve as conscientious and dependable and also a lot of fun. The CPOCT Division is proud to honor Steve’s contributions to the Division and the profession.