2015 Point-of-Care Coordinator of the Year

This award is funded by Siemens and includes a cash award and funds to support attendance at the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Annual Meeting. The recipient, Charlotte Bismark, is from Dixie Regional Medical Center in Saint George, Utah

Congratulations on behalf of the Awards Committee. 

charlotte bismark
Charlotte Bismark

I graduated from Brigham Young University and immediately began working at Dixie Regional Medical Center, Intermountain Healthcare in 1983.  While working in all areas of the laboratory, I became fascinated with Point of care testing and was instrumental in validating and implementing some of the first point of care tests at Dixie Regional.  I became a full time Point of Care Coordinator in April 2001.

Since then, I have had the opportunity to watch the growth of Point of Care Testing while serving numerous times as a CAP inspector. I have also been the president of the Southwest Regional Point of Care Group and host of the 2009 Southwest Regional Conference Point of Care in St. George. In 2010, I received my the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Point of Care Specialist certificate.  In 2011, I became Intermountain Healthcare Point of Care Practice Council Chair.   This Council is composed of all the Point of Care Coordinators in Intermountain Healthcare. I do this in addition to my duties as the Point of Care Coordinator for Dixie Regional Medical Center and Garfield Memorial Hospital.  Working as the Chair for the POC Practice council allows me to help coordinate new tests, Laboratory Information systems, and Nursing to achieve the best possible care of the patients. I also work with the Trauma team of Dixie Regional Medical Center to develop and continuously refine the Massive Transfusion protocol that is utilized in the hospital.

 I’m very blessed to have a large extended family.  They are all wonderful and I enjoy them immensely. My hobbies include my two cats, gardening and needlework.