2020 Events

December 15

Nutrition Division Virtual Symposium
12:30pm-2:00pm Central US time

This virtual symposium will feature a plenary lecture, “Metabolic and Nutritional Considerations for COVID-19 Infection: Lessons Learned From ‘Omics Studies”, by Dr. Tiffany Thomas. The event also includes presentations from 2020 Nutrition Division abstract award winners and a scientific talk, “Evaluation of Biomarkers of Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency in Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis”, by Dr. Tanya Yuzyuk. 

Registration is free for this event. To register, visit https://meeting.myadlm.org/register.

  • If you have already registered for the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), you may add this event to your current ASM registration.
  • If you are not attending the ASM, you may register for this event by selecting 'Special Events Only', under registration type. Note: if you do not already have a profile created on aacc.org, you will be required to create one before proceeding with registration. 

2019 Events

August 6

Nutrition Division Symposium: Lipidomic Signatures of Steatohepatitis: Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets

Anaheim Marriott, Platinum 8 Room
6:00pm – 8:00pm