Letter of invitation

All the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) letters of invitation are only provided to attendees who are planning to participate and attend an the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM)-related conference or event.

You will need to provide the following information in your request:

  • Your full name (Family name and given name)
  • Degree (M.D., Ph.D, etc.)
  • Job Title (Professor, Lab Director, etc.)
  • Organization
  • Full mailing address
  • Name of the event you plan to attend

Click here to request a letter of invitation. You will be able to print a .pdf file of your invitation letter.

In some cases, Visa Offices will not accept electronically transmitted invitation letters. If you also need ADLM to mail a letter of invitation:

  1. Click above to request a letter of invitation
  2. Send an email to us requesting that we mail you a copy of your invitation letter. Include your full name, city, country, and the name of the event you plan to attend.
  3. Important: Letters of invitation will be sent via regular mail unless you provide a Federal Express or DHL account number.