SYCL Mentoring Connections is a program designed to help guide young professionals through early career development and prepare them to become future leaders. The result is a life-long connection that adds value to both sides of the mentoring relationship.

Applications are now closed for 2024. Stay tuned for more information regarding the 2025 program. 

This is a great program. It is nice for a mentee to have someone willing to make connections with and even meet up at the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Annual Meeting. Always nice to see a friendly face that has genuine concern and is willing to pull a new individual into what can be a tight-knit community despite its size.

two women looking at poster at ADLM Scientific Meeting and Expo

Key Benefits of Mentee Participation

Man walking up bar chart to flag - red icon

Higher performance & productivity


Crisscross hammer and wrench - red icon

Reinforcement of valuable skill sets & continuous learning


Three figures talking at table - red icon

Supportive feedback, help with problem-solving & decision-making


Three figures in connected circles - red icon

Expanded peer networks


Red award icon

Greater career satisfaction


Seeking a mentor? Fill out a mentee profile form.

Key Benefits of Mentor Participation

red icon: two figures high fiving with upward trending arrow beneath them

Sense of pride in seeing a mentee learn & grow


red icon:  Man holding flagpole with triangle figure beside him

Enhance leadership skills and build a professional legacy


red icon: two hands shaking

Opportunity to positively influence others and “give back”


red icon: man with arms raised and three upward pointing arrows around him

Expanded peer networks

Interested in becoming a mentor? Fill out a mentor profile form.

SYCL Mentoring Connections

The SYCL Core Committee will create mentor-mentee pairs based on the information collected from the profile submissions. Knowledge, skill, and experience levels will be aligned with each participant's goals to establish a mutually beneficial mentoring relationship.

The SYCL Core Committee will support the mentor-mentee pair for 12 months to ensure the relationship is fulfilling the needs of both participants. Additional resources about successful mentoring relationships will be provided, and the committee will actively gather participant feedback to improve the program continually.

The hope is for the mentoring connection to become a lifelong learning relationship. After the completion of the first year, participants may continue to meet at their discretion.

Requirements and Expectations

  • Mentors and mentees must be current ADLM members.
  • Mentors must have been in a post-training position for at least 2 years.
  • Mentees must be current members of SYCL. (Mentors do not have to be members of SYCL.)
  • Participants must attend a one-hour orientation at the beginning of the program.
  • Participants must commit to at least one monthly interaction. (More interactions are encouraged!)
  • Participants should respond to requests in a timely manner.