SYCL360 is an informative video designed for SYCL members. Its focus is to keep SYCL members up-to-date on pertinent career and educational information, highlight recent SYCL activities, and stimulate interaction.

SYCL members can use the SYCL Forum on the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Artery for discussions and comments about SYCL360. Please feel free to also email any of the SYCL360 subcommittee members if you have any questions or concerns.

SYCL360 - The Human Element with Jessica Colón-Franco, PhD, DABCC

View all the previous SYCL 360 videos on YouTube.

SYCL360 Subcommittee

  • David Shiembob, Chair
  • Joe Wiencek
  • Christopher Farnsworth

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AACC Artery