Best Abstract Award

This award is given in recognition of outstanding research in an abstract submitted and poster presented at the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting. The Informatics Division Executive Committee selects abstracts for this award from those accepted by the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Annual Meeting Organizing Committee. Recipients receive a cash award and are recognized during the Informatics Division luncheon at the ADLM Annual Scientific Meeting.


Christopher Douglas

Development of a Novel software System for Providing Real-Time Laboratory Test Information to Clinicians at Point of Order Entry


Ankit Gupta, PhD
A Clinical Decision System Using Deep Learning for Accurate and Timely Sepsis Diagnosis Based on Electronic Health Records of Patients in the ICU


Soora Wi, MA/MS
Using Natural Language Processing to Improve Discreet Data Capture from Interpretive Cervical Biopsy Diagnoses at a Large Healthcare Organization


Reinhardt Hesse, MBChB
Machine Learning Outperforms Traditional Screening and Diagnostic Tools for the Detection of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia


Martha Lyon, PhD
A Simulation Study to Assess the Effect of Analytic Error on Neonatal Glucose Measurements Using Canadian Pediatric Society Position Statement Action Thresholds

Karen Triep, PhD
Data-driven Precision in Healthcare: Diagnostic Accuracy and Operating Efficiencies Using Routinely Collected Health Data - Acute Kidney Injury, Chronic Kidney Disease


Keluo Yao, MD
Re-imagining protein electrophoresis interpretative workflow for the 21st century

Informatics Division Past Chair Service Award


Kenneth E. Blick, PhD


William A. Coughlin