The name of this organization shall be Informatics Division of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (referred to below as the Division).


The mission of the Division shall be to facilitate interaction of members with common interests in the areas of laboratory information systems and medical informatics.


  • Sponsor Division educational activities in cooperation with program committee of the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) Annual Meeting.
  • Promote and offer regional and local symposia and lectures.
  • Encourage members of the Division to contribute to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) sectional and local meetings, which focus on applications of computer technology and medical informatics to the clinical laboratory setting.
  • Contribute toward increasing the professional image and status of the ADLM in the area of informatics.
  • Encourage coordination with laboratory systems’ user-groups.
  • Provide guidelines for selection and implementation of a laboratory information system.
  • Emphasize computer literacy training through use of computers.
  • Provide expert participation in standardizing information systems for laboratory operations.
  • Provide leadership and expertise on new advancements in both hardware and software.
  • Provide leadership and expertise in the use of medical information for the purposes of making patient care, medical and management decisions.


The Division will accomplish its goals by conducting the following activities:

  1. A Division meeting will be held at the ADLM Annual Meeting each year. On the agenda of this meeting shall be the suggested activities for the following year.
  2. Subsequent to the Division meeting each year, the Executive Committee will develop an action plan based on the goals and objectives under Section III and the suggestions from the Annual Meeting.
  3. Prepare articles discussing computer-related topics for dissemination.
  4. Publish a newsletter providing information on Division meetings, significant events, and selected topics of current interest.
  5. Support the ADLM Annual Meeting by submitting plans for:
  1. Symposia on information technology that supports the central meeting theme.
  2. Appropriate workshops.
  3. Appropriate roundtables.
  4. Other events as they may arise.


All current ADLM members and affiliates who have an interest in laboratory information systems, computer technology, and/or medical informatics may join the Division by indicating so to the ADLM Office and paying Division dues. All Division members may vote in the Division Election. Only Members of the Association shall hold Division office.


  1. The Division will be guided by an Executive Committee consisting of five officers (Chair, Chair-elect, Chair-past, Secretary, and Treasurer) and three at large Board Members. The term of office will be two years. One officer and one member at large will be elected each year. Three members of the Nominating Committee will be elected each year. The candidate receiving the most votes will serve as chairman of the committee.
  2. All officers and board members elected to the Executive Committee shall be Members of the Association and Division.
  3. Chair. The Chair shall:
    • Be the executive officer for the Division and preside at all business meetings.
    • Appoint the chair of all committees annually.
    • Serve as an ex-officio member of each committee excluding the Nominating Committee.
    • Be responsible for the business meeting agenda at all official meetings.
    • Be responsible for preparation of an Annual Report on the activities of the Division for submission to ADLM Board of Directors.
  4. Chair-elect
    • Preside at meetings in the absence of the Chair.
    • Serve as chair of Meetings and Symposia Committee.
    • Accede to position of Chair as defined in Bylaws.
  5. Chair-past
    • Serve as chair of the Nominating Committee.
    • Direct long-range planning activities of the Division.
  6. Secretary. The secretary shall:
    • Keep minutes of all meetings of the Division at which business is conducted, submit them to the Chair for approval and distribute the approved minutes to the membership.
    • Maintain the minutes of meetings as a record and transmit them to the succeeding Secretary.
    • Maintain an accurate list of the names and addresses of all members.
    • Carry out such correspondence as delegated by the Chair.
    • Distribute notices of meetings, ballots, and election results to the membership and receive and tally election ballots.
    • Notify the Board of Directors of the results of election of officers and of professional and Division activities that are considered to be of interest to the Association.
    • Assist the Chair with the preparation of the Division Annual Report.
  7. Treasurer. The treasurer shall:
    • Receive and disburse all funds authorized in the Division budget.
    • Maintain accurate and current records of all transactions.
    • Present a statement of the financial condition of the Division at official meetings.
    • Provide accurate records and transmit them to the succeeding treasurer.
    • Assist the Chair of the Meetings and Symposium Committee with the preparation of a budget.
    • Monitor compliance with the Division budget and bring significant variances to the attention of the Chair and/or the Executive Committee.
    • Assist the Chair with the preparation of the Division Annual Report.
  8. Board members (3). The Board Members shall:
    • Provide input to the Executive Committee for the purpose of improving the quality and quantity of services provided to the Division membership.
    • Provide a resource of help and ideas for the Division officers and committee chairmen.
  9. Terms of Office
    • Each elected officer and board member shall serve for two years. The term of office shall start January 1 and terminate December 31.
    • An officer or board member may not be elected to the same office for more than two contiguous terms.
    • In the event that the office of the Chair becomes vacant, the Executive Committee will appoint a new Chairman for the remainder of the term. Such an appointee shall be eligible for election to any office at the end of that term.
    • If a vacancy occurs in any other office or board member position, the Chair shall appoint a successor for the remainder of the term. Such an appointee shall be eligible for election to any office at the end of that term.
  10. Election of Officers and Board Members
    • Election shall be by electronic ballot, conducted with the cooperation of the National Office. The membership shall be notified by November 1 of each year of the availability of a suitable ballot showing the office and board member position to be filled and the nominees for each. In addition, the office and the board member positions shall have provision for write-in votes.
    • Nominees shall be those selected by the Nominating Committee and those nominated by the membership at an official Division meeting.
    • All nominees must have agreed in writing to serve before the election.  
    • Ballots shall be tabulated with the cooperation of the National Office and presented to the Secretary and three non-candidate members appointed by the Chair.
    • The deadline for the receipt of such tabulations by the Secretary shall be November 30. The Board of Directors and all nominees will be informed of the results by the Secretary before December 31.
    • The nominee receiving a plurality of valid votes for each office shall be elected. In the event of a tie, another election for that office shall be held by vote of the Executive Committee.
    • In the event that an officer is not elected by January 1, the officer in that office on December 31 shall continue to serve until relieved by the duly elected officer.
    • Resignations of officers, with the exception of Chair, shall be submitted in writing to the Chair. The resignation of the Chair shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee and, upon acceptance, the Executive Committee will appoint a Chair.


  1. Executive Committee. This Committee shall consist of the Chair, Chair-elect, Chair-past, Secretary, Treasurer and three Board Members. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to act on all matters not otherwise specified in this document or its amendments, or when it is not practical or possible to convene the general membership for emergency decisions. It shall meet either at the call of the Chairman or upon the request of a majority of the Committee.
  2. Meetings and Symposia Committee. The Committee shall consist of a chair, appointed annually by the Division Chair, and at lease two members appointed annually by the Committee Chair. The function of this committee shall be to plan and coordinate all educational activities of the Division including, but not limited to symposia, workshops, and roundtable discussions held at the ADLM Annual Meeting and at regional meetings. The committee will provide a summary of its activities to the Division Chair for inclusion in the Division Annual Report.
  3. Publications Committee. The Committee shall consist of a chairman, appointed annually by the Division Chair, and at least two members appointed annually by the Committee Chair. The function of this committee shall be to plan and coordinate the dissemination of information of interest to Division members, including but not limited to publishing a Division newsletter, publishing the proceedings of symposia, management of a bulletin board system, publishing reviews, etc. The committee will provide a summary of its activities to the Division Chair for inclusion in the Division Annual Report.
  4. Nominating Committee. The Committee shall consist of a chairman and two members elected on an annual basis. The candidate for the Nominating Committee receiving the most votes shall serve as chairman. The function of this Committee shall be to prepare a slate of candidates for the elected offices as described in ARTICLE VI. The Committee shall report its slate of nominees to the Division Secretary by October 1.
  5. Membership Committee. The Committee shall consist of a chair, appointed annually by the Division Chairman, and at least two members appointed annually by the Committee Chairman. The function of the Committee shall be to plan and coordinate all activities and efforts aimed at retaining and expanding Division membership. The Committee will provide a summary of its activities to the Division Chair for inclusion in the Division Annual Report.
  6. Standards Committee. The Committee shall consist of a chairman, appointed annually by the Division Chair, and at least two members appointed annually by the Committee Chair. The function of this Committee shall be to plan and coordinate all activities of the Division aimed at developing standards in the use of computers in the clinical laboratory. The Committee will provide a summary of its activities to the Division Chair for inclusion in the Division Annual Report.
  7. Other Committees. Additional committees may be formed as needed by the Division Chair.


  1. Quorum. A quorum for the transaction of any business at any official meeting shall consist of a minimum of at least 20 members in good standing of the Division. If the Chair wishes to ensure that a quorum is present for a meeting, he or she may invoke proxy voting for that meeting by:
    1. Sending a copy of the tentative agenda to all Division members 45 days in advance of the scheduled meeting date.
    2. Including a list of the proposed motions (if known) with the agenda.
    3. Asking those members who are unable to attend to send their signed proxy vote form to the Chair or to another Division member who will be attending the meeting who will vote on their behalf.

In the event of insufficient members for a quorum to transact business, a second meeting may be called by the Chair within 30 days. Those members present at this second meeting shall constitute a quorum.

  1. At all meetings where questions of parliamentary procedure arise, "Roberts Rules of Order, Revised" shall prevail.


Division dues established by the Executive Committee shall be collected by the ADLM Office. The fiscal year of the Division shall correspond to the fiscal year of the ADLM. The Chairman and Treasurer will prepare an annual report by March 31 of the year on the accounting of funds that is submitted to:

    1. The ADLM Office liaison.
    2. The ADLM Board of Directors through appropriate channels.

The Annual Report will include:

    1. Status of the Division and a list of activities and accomplishments.
    2. Detailed financial notations of where the resources were obtained and for what purpose they were used.
    3. The names of organizations with contact person and address from whom the Division intends to solicit support for the coming year.

The Division will follow the rules established by the ADLM Finance Committee for expenses (living and travel), honoraria (size and eligibility), and registration fees.


Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by:

  1. A majority vote of the entire Executive Committee, or
  2. A petition signed by at least 10% of the members in good standing, or
  3. A duly passed motion at any official business meeting.

Amendments may be accepted by:

Upon receipt of a duly proposed amendment or revision, the Secretary shall, within 45 days, mail a ballot to each member in good standing. An amendment shall become effective only upon receiving the affirmative votes of 2/3 of the votes received. If a proposed amendment does not receive the required number of votes within 30 days after the proposed amendment is mailed, then such proposal shall lapse.

Approved: October 1, 2014 by the Division Membership