The Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine members’ expertise across all areas of lab medicine shapes science in the field, driving innovative solutions for patient care and creating the tools to bring greater visibility to the value of laboratory medicine. The Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) consults the Academy for input whenever topic-area experts are needed; for example, when practice guidelines are developed or reviewed, for committee appointments, and for a variety of other issues. If you are interested in participating in such projects, please fill out the survey either during your application or renewal process and let the Academy know your expertise. The list of Fellows’ expertise has been an invaluable resource to our organization. 

The Academy relies on its Fellows to drive Academy initiatives. Volunteer today to be considered for appointment to one of the following committees to help these recognized experts and thought leaders push the profession forward. (Find a list of Current Committee Members here, with a short description of each committee)

  • Academy Awards Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Scientific Shorts Editorial Board
  • Content Development Committee
  • Test Utilization Committee

Volunteer Today

Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Designation

Fellows of the Academy use the designation of FADLM. This designation is equivalent to FACB and FAACC, the previous designations used by fellows of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and AACC Academy. Those groups were rebranded as Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine in 2023.