Become a Fellow

Applications must be submitted electronically and accompanied by payment for the current year's dues. All applications and membership materials will be reviewed by the the Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Membership Committee on a monthly basis.

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Membership Requirements

Fellowship in the Academy is open to the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC) members who are doctoral-level clinical scientists and meet the the Academy membership criteria. The category of Associate Fellow is for doctoral-level individuals who do not meet the criteria.

Membership Benefits

In their first year, new Fellows and Associate Fellows may attend the Academy’s Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Luncheon (held during the the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) Annual Scientific Meeting) at no charge. Fellows and Associate Fellows receive all publications of the Academy. Fellows are eligible to hold elective office (as President, a Council member, or Nominating Committee member), to vote in all elections or on proposed bylaws amendments, and to serve on or chair committees. Associate Fellows are eligible to serve on committees but may not hold elective office.

Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Designation

Fellows of the Academy use the designation of FADLM. This designation is equivalent to FACB and FAACC, the previous designations used by fellows of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and AACC Academy. Those groups were rebranded as Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine in 2023.