The Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine council determines strategic direction for the Academy in accordance with the vision and mission of the Academy and the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC). The Council consists of a President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary, and six Council members.

Specific Academy programs are run by several committees appointed by the Academy President. All full Academy Fellows are eligible to run for office or volunteer for committees.

Learn more about the Academy’s governing bodies, as well as how they fit in with the overall the Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) governance plan:

The Academy Council
ADLM Governance

Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Designation

Fellows of the Academy use the designation of FADLM. This designation is equivalent to FACB and FAACC, the previous designations used by fellows of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and AACC Academy. Those groups were rebranded as Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine in 2023.