Guidance Documents

The Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine creates guidance documents that impart the expertise of the Academy’s Fellows. These short documents are designed to provide guidance on hot topics in the field of laboratory medicine in an expedient manner that will achieve maximum impact.

Recent documents cover topics such as chronic kidney disease, procalcitonin, and cervical cancer detection.

You can view all published guidance documents and learn more about proposing ideas for new documents here.

Comment on Our Newest Draft Document

The newest ADLM Guidance Document on Lipid Testing is now available for ADLM member comment. Please note that this document is marked confidential in its draft form.

Please take a few minutes to review this document and let us know if you have changes to recommend. The document's writing group, chaired by Drs. Leslie Donato and Jeff Meeusen, will review and consider all comments received. The final draft of the document will then be presented to the ADLM Board of Directors for approval. Once approved, the guidance document will be submitted for journal publication and will be made available on the Academy website.

Scientific Shorts

The Academy Scientific Shorts is a forum in which clinical laboratory professionals can discuss contemporary laboratory issues—from molecular pathology and genetics to patient safety—and present solutions and best practices.

Read the Scientific Shorts

Scientific Shorts Guidelines

Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines

Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines (LMPGs) are systematically developed recommendations for best practices in using laboratory medicine to optimize patient care.

Learn more about published guidelines.

If you are interested in developing an LMPG on a specific topic, please review the standard operating procedures for how to get started.

Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine Designation

Fellows of the Academy use the designation of FADLM. This designation is equivalent to FACB and FAACC, the previous designations used by fellows of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and AACC Academy. Those groups were rebranded as Academy of Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine in 2023.